The structure of your post is important!
This article will explain how to properly using heading tags within blog posts so you’re getting the best out of your SEO efforts.
First things first, let’s talk about the structure…
Important points to remember when structuring your post using headings
- The most important heading tag on the page should be the H1, and usually there should only be one of these. On your main blog, this should be your blog title. On a single post or page, this should be your post title.
- H1 tags should not be used within the post body content.
- Each webpage on your site should start with H1 tag and work down to H6.
- Within a single post or page sub-headings should be H2s, sub-sub-headings should be H3s and so on.
- Headings should not be chosen based on their design
- Each heading tag should contain valuable, relevant keywords or phrases.
Post/page titleh2
Blog title or related content in sidebar widgetsh5
Sidebar or footer widget titles
Example of using heading tags on your blog
Blog titleh2
Blog description/tagline (if relevant keywords are included) or your recent blog postsh3
Recent posts (or older blog posts if recent posts have H2s)h4
Related content in sidebar widgetsh5
Sidebar or footer widget titles
How to customise the design of heading tags using CSS
Change how each of your headings look using h1
, h2
and so on in the CSS.
h2 { color: #000000; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; text-transformation: uppercase; }
If you want to target a specific heading, use the class or ID that is associated with it. For example, in most WordPress themes this is the structure of the post title in a single post
<h1 class="entry-title">Your Post Title on Single Post or Page</h1>
So for this you can use the class to target any H1 tags with the class entry-title
h1.entry-title { color: #000000; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 24px; font-weight: bold; text-transformation: uppercase; }
There’s a quick overview of how to properly use heading tags throughout your blog post for SEO. Remember that heading tags are used to create structure in order to help search engines understand what your post is about, but they help readers skim y